Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Why Missionaries shouldn't Sunbathe.

Sup yall!. Sorry for not writing last week. The not having power thing kind of sucks sometimes. Well these past two weeks have been really fun. Haha here's  stupid story of the week . Last pday there wasn't any power for the whole day so we were all bored just chillin in the house with nothin to do. So after a while one of the new elders, Elder Gothard, and I were looking for anything to do to pass the time. So we decided that we were going to go tanning on the roof. Now this isn't the best idea when your body hasn't seen sunlight for over six months. Another thing that didn't help is that we had a full bottle of baby oil in the house. I tried to put on just a little but half of the bottle spilled out all over my chest, so I just rubbed it all in... Bad idea. Elder Gothard and I chilled up there for over an hour... another bad idea. I came down and was a little disappointed that I was still whiter than a ghost, but that didn't last long. About two hours later I was a little red. Then that night... I was a lobster! I didn't get any sleep for the next two days because it hurt so bad. All I wanted was a little color... The past four days I have been peelin harder than a snake. Its like I am a walking snow cloud. I know pretty stupid. Haha all well. 

Also in these past two weeks it has been pretty hard emotionally. There has been at least ten deaths here in Nagua of people that we have had to assist in the funerals. A few days ago we got the sad news that one of out investigators was shot and killed. I still don't know the real story because I have heard about 20 different versions. I just don't like seeing people crying as hard as they do here. I really feel bad for the members who loose it at these funerals because it is like they have forgotten the knowledge that they have of the gospel, that families can be together forever. They act like they will never see this person again. We have been going around to all of these families who has lost someone recently and are reteaching the plan of salvation to them to help comfort them. I really feel so blessed to have this knowledge in my life. I know that families can be together forever if we just follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for my parents for helping me have this mission experience.I love you all so much!

Love Elder Morgan

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