Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Love is in The Air

Well whats up friends? This week has been a very interesting/fun one. I hope that all of you had a great valentines day. For me it was a super awesome day. IDK why but I felt like it was one of the more special holidays here. That day I went to the store and blew so much money on gifts for people that I love in my area. Haha It was awesome because even something like a little chocolate would make their day. I am just trying to show everyone how special they are and how much love them here, knowing that this will be my last week in Hato Mayor. I have met so many great people who have helped me be a better person and am going to miss them all. The night of valentines we went to a members house and ate a Honduran dish that my comp wanted, then we had a gift swap with someone. It was so fun and I want you all to know that I love you! 

Well this week we got a call from the nurse that we might be infected with something super contagious, so we all had a special meeting of what it was that we might have. We got there and she showed us a nasty pic of dust mites or bed bugs.. An elder in our zone has them so they were all scared that we might have it. We are all on a week long treatment to prevent it from spreading. 

On Sunday we had our ward conference. We worked so hard to invite people to come so that we could reach our goal of 200 people in assistance.. We had 199 come... haha so close! But it was good. We have also been doing lots of swaps in our zone with a few Elders sick. It has been fun getting to know other Elders. 
Today was a super sick Pday. We went to this river which looks exactly like the ones in southern Utah. Then we found waterfalls and got under them. haha it was a great stress relieving day. Well that is all I pretty much did this week. I really do love you all so much and hope you all have a great week!
Luv Elder Morgan

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